Google's GO : a humbling experience

I have never felt like this before. But, after reading about this announcement on a new open-source language from Google Inc., called GO, I'm feeling literally bad about myself. These Google guys come up with one innovation after another and it is amazing the amount of engineering going on out there.

GO isn't the first open-source language and it isn't , imo, a completely new concept. It is trying to cook the good things from different languages and put it in a single one. It may not be the next big thing after all. But, why am I feeling like this? I don't know. I think, as a Software Engineer myself I'm yet to come up with such innovations. Being in this field for more than 11 years, my achievements pale in comparison to the ones churn out by the Googlers. Am I feeling jealous? No, this is not jealousy but a feeling of hollowness. Don't know if this is good or bad but this is certainly driving me crazy.

Any ways, I'll play around with this new language and learn a thing or two about it and more importantly work on a innovation. Stay tuned!


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